Thursday, August 7, 2014

DIY Pedicure

Linking up with Annie from Home of the Malones and Natalie from East Coast Chic again for Thoughts on Thursday!

Today is not so much about my thoughts per say, as about  a great recent discovery I have made.  Really effective and easy do it yourself pedicures. Sorry, I do not have any pictures today, however, I promise this post is definitely worth your while!

I am a runner and also like to wear a lot of heels/platform sandals, so my feet quickly get calluses, etc.  If I had the time and funds I feel like I should probably be getting a pedicure at least every two weeks all year round. Unfortunately, I do not have the time or funds to be getting pedicures that frequently and recently found this pin on Pinterest from Truly Charlee for DIY pedicures. I have tried several of these at home remedies before with less than impressive results, however, this one really does work well.

Combine :

1/2 Cup Vinegar

1/2 Cup Listerine

1 Cup hot water

I combined these three ingredients in a Tupperware container that was just big enough for my feet, so that I could sit on the couch and watch tv/use my ipad while I waited for the ingredients to work their magic.  I let my feet soak for approximately 30 minutes, but longer definitely wouldn't hurt. You can use a foot sanding block to sand your feet after to get rid of the dead skin or you could use your fingers {some might find that gross}. This as results as good as if I went to the nail salon!


Thoughts for Thursday


  1. I need to try this! I haven't had a pedicure in so long mainly for the same reasons as you. This is great to do while you're watching tv or even blogging!
    Life as I know it

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! I think it will really save time and money. :)

  3. Oh awesome!! My heels are not pretty and I bet this would be perfect. The pumice stone in the shower just isn't cutting it!

  4. Hi Lauren! I came across your website on the link up this week- I'll have to try this! My heels are in TERRIBLE shape! Thanks for the info!
