I am way behind in my weekly pregnancy updates, so I figured I would catch up by combining several weeks.
Week 20 (stolen from our babymoon as I forgot to take a picture during week 20)
Week 21
(had to snag a picture with Bella)
Week 22
How Far Along: 22 weeks
Size of Baby: Baby is the size of an spaghetti squash (approximately 1 pound)!
Gender: A sweet baby girl! Madison Ashley!
Clothes: Lots of leggings and still a lot of my regular larger shirts. Something happened right around week 21-22 and I am pretty much solely in maternity dresses now. I tried on a regular stretchy work dress on the Monday of week 22 and the dress was just way too short over my bump. Time to break out the maternity dresses...
Workouts: On average, 3-4 elliptical workouts and weights and sometimes a walk.
Weight Gain: I weighed myself, sigh. I am up a total of 12-13 pounds. I fluctuate a pound or two so it is hard to answer this question precisely.
Weight Gain: I weighed myself, sigh. I am up a total of 12-13 pounds. I fluctuate a pound or two so it is hard to answer this question precisely.
Sleep: Really well still. I am usually in bed by 10:30 pm at the latest.
Cravings/Aversions: Veggie burgers (I finally found my long lost favorites that grocery stores no longer carry, the classic Gardenburger). I stocked up on these! Oh and Publix has the best carrot cake. I made the mistake of trying a sample at the store recently. It is dangerously good.
Yes! Feeling baby girl every day all day, although a lot more movement
at night. I still get a little nervous when I do not feel her moving
within a couple hour period.
Nursery: Lots of progress: several shelves have been put up, the curtains are complete, and we also ordered Madison's monogram for over her crib. We also bought some additional clothing items during after Christmas sales. Picture frames are up with Madison's monogram, and we got the bedding {Pottery Barn Kids} from my mom in the mail yesterday. I can't wait to open it when she comes to visit next weekend! I will post soon about Madison's nursery inspiration.
Symptoms: Growing belly...
I Miss: Caesar salads, soft cheeses and red wine....probably the red wine the most. Oh and Sam Adams Cold Snap. I saw a gentleman walking out of Total Wine with a case of it the other day and pouted to Evan about how I can't have it this season.
Mood: A little moody this past week; not really sure why. I get really emotional whenever those SPCA commercials come on...I just can't handle them at all these days. I also teared up the other day when I randomly thought about Bella not being with us anymore...these hormones are no joke!!
Best Moment This Week: Watching Madison's nursery starting to really come together. At this rate, I think her nursery will almost be complete in the next month!
Looking Forward To: Completing the nursery and our upcoming 3D ultrasound {at 30 weeks}.
ahh such a cute bump!!! Its so much fun to get the nursery together and the 3D ultrasounds are the best!! You look amazing!